Google Announced – New Quality Score reporting columns


Good news for all advertisers that now Google has added seven new Quality Score reporting columns that will provide transparent information about keywords.

Quality score is one of the important factors for getting clicks & conversion at low cost from search ads. Now you can deep analyze the quality score improvements using following new columns:

  1. Ad relevance – “Historical Quality Score” shows you the last known Quality Score for the reporting period.
  2. Landing page exp. – “Ad relevance” measures how closely your keyword matches the message in your ads.
  3. CTR – “Expected CTR” measures how likely it is that your ad will be clicked when shown.
  4. score (hist.) – “Landing page experience” estimates how relevant and useful your landing page is to people who click your ad.
  5. Ad relevance (hist.) – “Historical ad relevance” shows you how relevant your ad text was to people who saw your ad.
  6. Landing page exp. (hist.) – Historical landing page experience is an estimate of how useful your landing page was to people who clicked your ad.
  7. CTR (hist.) – Historical expected CTR shows you how likely people were to click your ad over time.

The newest thing is that now you can check easily historical quality score data about your targeted keywords.  Four new columns – “Qual. Score (hist.),” “Landing page exper. (hist.),” “Ad relevance (hist.)” and “Exp. CTR (hist.)” Give the last known records & score in the selected date range.

Using data segment by day, you can see how the quality score has changed over the time.  Note the “Qual. score” column only shows current quality score so if want to analysis historical data then don’t forget to add Qual. score (hist.)

Image Credit: Adwords Insides

If there’s not enough impression and click data to report, the score will not be reported.

One of Important change is that now can directly see following updates about your keywords by new columns:

  • Expected Click-through Rate
  • Ad Relevance
  • Landing Page Experience

These new Quality Score columns are also available at the manager account level.

If you need any help in Adwords Campaign management or looking for hire Adwords consultant, feel to free contact me. I am easily available for help you.

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