What is difference between search & display network?

The search and display networks are two different channels for advertising on the internet.

The search network is a collection of websites that show ads in response to a user’s search query. These ads are typically displayed at the top or bottom of the search results page and are marked as “sponsored.” They are triggered by specific keywords that the advertiser has chosen and are relevant to the user’s search. For example, if a user searches for “best running shoes,” an ad for a running shoe store might appear at the top of the search results page.

The display network, on the other hand, is a collection of websites, apps, and other properties that show ads in the form of banner ads, video ads, and other formats. These ads are not triggered by a specific search query, but rather are targeted to users based on their interests, demographics, and other factors. For example, if a user has visited a number of outdoor gear websites, they might see display ads for camping equipment on other websites they visit.

Both the search and display networks can be accessed through Google Ads, the primary platform for online advertising. Advertisers can choose to advertise on one or both of these networks and can set specific budgets and bid amounts for their campaigns.

One of the main differences between the search and display networks is the way that ads are targeted. Search ads are targeted to users based on the specific keywords they are searching for, while display ads are targeted based on factors such as the user’s interests, demographics, and past browsing history. This means that search ads are generally more relevant to the user, as they are directly related to the user’s search query. Display ads, on the other hand, are often more general and may not always be directly relevant to the user.

Another difference is the way that ads are priced. On the search network, advertisers bid on specific keywords and are charged every time someone clicks on their ad. This is known as pay-per-click (PPC) pricing. On the display network, advertisers can choose between PPC pricing and cost-per-impression (CPM) pricing, where they are charged every time their ad is displayed 1000 times.

One of the benefits of advertising on the search network is that it allows advertisers to reach users who are actively looking for their products or services. These users are typically further down the sales funnel and are more likely to make a purchase. Advertising on the display network, on the other hand, can be a good way to raise brand awareness and reach a larger audience, but may not always result in immediate sales.

It’s important to note that both the search and display networks have their own set of best practices and strategies. For example, search ads should be highly relevant to the user’s search query and should include a clear call to action. Display ads should be visually appealing and should be placed on relevant websites to ensure that they are seen by the right audience.

In conclusion, the search and display networks are two different channels for advertising on the internet. The search network is a collection of websites that show ads in response to a user’s search query, while the display network is a collection of websites, apps, and other properties that show ads in the form of banner ads and other formats. Both networks can be accessed through Google Ads and can be useful for reaching different types of audiences, but they have different targeting methods and pricing models.

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