Lawyer marketing and Google Adwords campaign

lawyer-marketing-adwords“Too much spend but no clients” A common complaint by most of law firms and attorneys. Here I discuss about “right Adwords campaign management process” for saving the money of lawyers and what required things always need to remember before starting Adwords campaign for attorney or any law firm.

Adwords is not bad platform for lawyers, if they their website has in hands of right digital marketing agency. most of time marketing agencies continue the existing Adwords campaign or setup new Adwords campaign for lawyers without analyse the website due to fear of cancellation projects. But it’s not Good practice. One reason is also some absence of technical knowledge, lawyers also do not say “YES” for website improvement and changes.

Here I request to “marketing agencies” and “law firms” – Take care about following things before start-up Adwords or any marketing campaign of legal website.

1) Google my business account (address): Lawyers marketing is location based promotion activity. Most of user searches nearby lawyer and attorney firms. They want to reach out as soon as (immediately) to lawyers for problem solutions and right legal guidance. But unfortunately if you miss to put right address on website as well as pin out on Google map then they never to find out your location and offices. So first confirm about your Google my business account is exist or not. If not, then create your account on it and mapping you address on Google.

lawyer-addressWhy Adwords need this? : At the time Adwords account setup you can connect your Adwords account with Google my business account. Through this you can use location extension for locate your address in ads. Example:

I am looking bankruptcy lawyers for file chapter 11 bankruptcy at location “Omaha, Nebraska, United States”. After Google the keywords by “bankruptcy lawyers Omaha”, I find many results but fact is that I choose following destination because I want to discuss everything face to face not on just from enquiry form.

2) Email ID and Phone No. Details and linking: Every law consultants and firms give the phone no. & mail details on website and most of marketing agencies setup the call extensions also in ads but they forget to leave <a href> link with email id and phone no. Like this:

phone-lawyersIn above image you can see on phone no. Link is available.

What is significance of linking on phone no.?

When leave a link to phone no. Like: <a href=”tel:xxxxxxxxxxx”>xxx xxx xxx</a>. Increase the Chance of more call from website. How? When some click on desktop, user is directly eligible to call from Skype or through other add-ons.

And as same on mobile user is eligible to call you directly through what’s up, viber, Skype and his own no.

Google Adwords also provide call forward facility to advertiser and tracking facility of call conversion from website. So I suggest that provide link at phone no.

3) Mobile compatibility testing: This era of tablets and mobile. Every user wants every solution on mobile. So it does require for every lawyer to update websites according to mobility. Specially related to property issue, crime cases, taxes problem, and accidental claim cases, consumers looking immediately law firm team. If they find improper website then they will close your website instantly and go to another.

4) Website length and information: If am seeking lawyers for my education loan case and After click I see a mixture of different practice area’s then excluding details which I want then why I stay on website. So first things is that creates different landing pages as per practice areas and flash out complete details about what solution you are providing to consumers exactly. Try to shrink length of page means add in page only headers, footer, on contact form and details about practice in clear words. Before start run campaign make perfect landing page for reducing spends on Adwords.

5) Testimonial and Video’s: “I don’t know anything about lawyers so how I decide which is best lawyer for my case.” Exactly some of law firm forget to respect this thought of common man. It’s necessary for Law firms and lawyer that they would add the comments and experience of existing clients and introduction video about you or your firm. It has good impact on visitors.

6) Conversion tracking and analytics setups: every agencies setup the analytics code and conversion code properly with website but one thing is more required “event tracking”. You need to track about how much person clicks on submit button. Most of time due to confidential matters, User do not like to share some of information through contact form. So after event tracking setup you can find that how much click event trigger out on submit button but you have not received enquires. Before show any ads must setup this in website.

7) A/B testing of landing Pages: After start Adwords campaign initially must require for attorney websites that check the behavior of user through setup different versions of landing pages in 2 ad-groups and Adwords. After a/b test you find a conclusion that which types of contact form are useful for you, what information users would like to share with you, Which is right position of form for getting for enquiries. As summary by A/B testing you will be find overview about how should you show up yourself on website for more attentions of user.

I am sure that if lawyer marketer uses all tricks then definitely relevant user can find your website from ads and lawyer also gains the happiness by deliver their best services to client.

More Help for LAW marketing campaign setup mail at

Summary: Effective Lawyer marketing and Google Adwords campaign management tips and advises for attorney websites promotion and leads generation in Small budget.

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